Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ficus on a Sunny Morning (work in progress)

This 30"x40" painting on canvas is of another Pasadena tree, this time one on Cherry Drive.


  1. Your trees are always so alive. Really like this perspective too.

  2. Don't ask me why, but this seems like a very vital but sad tree. Is that a goofy thing to say?

  3. That's a goofy thing to say. But, writers are allowed that privilege.
    Like your Ficus, PS.

  4. Wonderful painting Jean. I love the brushwork on the trunks and the way you lead the viewer into it. It has a lot of depth.

  5. Thanks, all.

    Margaret, I think your observation is perceptive: it's a sunny day, but these are deeply sad limbs (as painted; the real tree seems perfectly okay to me).
