Monday, July 2, 2012

I-pad Sketch 1 (Man Reading)

Drawn this morning, from life, at the cafe.

First i-pad drawing. 

Art Rage app.


Good day for a swim.


  1. Like this one too. Has an edgy look to it.

  2. Wow! You have mastered your iPad app. This is fantastic. So strong. What app did you use? I must know. Great color choices.

  3. This is great. I have been doing similar drawings on my Iphone with an app called brushes.

  4. Wow. That is so cool. How did you do this?

  5. Yes, what Margaret said. That is so cool.

  6. oh i was too fast, i saw only naw this is a ipad sketch, well it is good, you are free with ipad too, i have recived my new ipad but still don't try to made some art with ihn... really don't know how it work... i want to learn, wich app you used? may i ask you?

  7. sorry sorry i just see it's art rage:-) ok thanks

  8. Fantastic...really well done !

  9. all you iPad folk are making me jealous. Do you have to pay an extra amount of money to run it or is it part of your regular stationary computer service?

    btw: I like the drawing

  10. Thanks, all.

    The app is Art Rage.

    I'm the wrong person to ask for lessons; this was my first try at it. I did it all in one layer and I did it fast--maybe five minutes.

    I bought a stylus but didn't use it because I forgot it. Just used my finger to draw this. Worked fine.

    PA, you should be jealous. It's better than I anticipated. I didn't buy phone service, so I don't pay for it. Just use free wi-fi at cafe.

    You would love the photo capabilities, too.

    The guy at the apple store said I could hook it up to my windows xp laptop. Haven't tried it yet.

  11. If I were a critic, my only criticism to this series of Cafe art is: but where is the Cafe??
