Monday, November 18, 2013

Green/Gold Sleeper

Drawn from life, November 4.

Tombow markers, water and brush, on 9" x 12" watercolor paper.


  1. Your works with the Tombow markers are amazing. I haven't tried them, but I'm adding them to my list of things to buy.

  2. I second Hallie's comment. This drawing is beautiful.

  3. A gorgeously spontaneous and free spirited drawing, what a skilled hand !

  4. Congratulations Jean ¡. Demonstrate great skill with markers to get an excellent result.
    Hugs from Barcelona

  5. Ciao Jane,
    mi sono un po' impigrita con i commenti, ma seguo sempre o tuoi lavori, le tue donne, che apprezzo tantissimo per tutto, forme, colori, originalità e soprattutto forza ed
    espressività! Bellissimiii!!!
    Ciao, ciao, Floriana

  6. Thanks, all.

    Hallie, the markers are terrific for situations where portability and lack of mess are important.

    I like them the best of all the water-soluble markers I have tried, but then I haven't tried that many different brands because I like these so much.

    If you have any specific questions, once you do try them, I will be happy to try to answer.

    Welcome, Corn Dena, and thanks!

  7. Her position and the colors are very appealing to me. I'd guess my unconscious is seeing the green as sleep and that orangey-gold as life, pulse maybe, within sleep.

  8. Thanks, Banjo, for the insight.

    Now, when I look at this, I am seeing that, too.
